Do-It-Yourself Geo Apps (Independent)

Do-It-Yourself Geo Apps is online course offered by Esri via Independent.

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Do-It-Yourself Geo Apps (Independent)
Do-It-Yourself Geo Apps (Independent)


You don’t have to be a software developer to build valuable geo-enabled apps that make your communities smarter and businesses more successful. This course will show you how to combine location and narrative in one application to better communicate and broadcast your story, create custom web applications that solve problems in your community, and build powerful native applications for iOS and Android devices without touching a piece of code. If you are a developer, you’ll be interested in Esri’s APIs, SDKs, and the buzzing GeoDev community.


Section 1

Overview of the Course and Geo AppsGeo-enabling means more than plotting dots on a map. This section provides an orientation to the course and thoughts about how geo apps can strengthen communities.

Section 2

Geo Apps for Smarter CommunitiesThis section explains how geo apps can raise community awareness through storytelling, help solve local problems, and enable staff and community members to make the most of their mobile devices.

Section 3

Put Your Story on the MapLearn to configure application templates to create geo-enabled apps that tell your community’s story.

Section 4

Web Apps for Your CommunitySee how communities use Esri’s Web AppBuilder to create custom geo apps to help field crews and citizens work smarter.

Section 5

Native Apps for Your CommunityUse Esri’s AppStudio to create native geo apps that can be published to community members through the Google Play and Apple app stores.

Section 6

Building Geo Apps on Open DataUsing skills developed in other sections, build an app that unleashes the value of open access data published by local, state, or federal government agencies.

Section 7

Custom Coding and the GeoDev CommunityTap into powerful APIs and SDKs to geo-enable your applications. Discover the GeoDev community on GitHub with Hackerlabs and sample code.

Additional information

Course Delivery


Course Efforts

3 Weeks

Course Enrollment


Course Language


Course Length

4 Weeks

Course Level


Course Provider

Course School

Course Subtitles


Flexible Learning


Verified Certificate

Not available


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