Intermediate PostgreSQL (Coursera)

Intermediate PostgreSQL is online course offered by University of Michigan via Coursera.

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Intermediate PostgreSQL (Coursera)
Intermediate PostgreSQL (Coursera)

Course Overview

Intermediate PostgreSQL course covers a wide range of SQL techniques, beyond basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations in PostgreSQL. You will learn the specifics of aggregation, transactions, reading and parsing CSV files and inserting data into a database.
You’ll also take a look at how PostgreSQL handles and indexes text data. Specifically, students will do assignments that alter table schemas, create stored procedures, construct advanced queries, explore sorting and grouping query data, and techniques for working with text in databases including regular expressions.


SQL Techniques

In this first week, you’ll be introduced to the course and look at SQL commands for editing columns and tables in a PostgreSQL Database. You’ll learn to create stored procedures and also utilize the SELECT DISTINCT command.

Using SQL Techniques

This week, we’ll focus on producing properly normalized tables from CSV files and utilizing the ALTER TABLE command to adjust the schema of tables.

Text in PostgreSQL

This week will focus on text in PostgreSQL, including utilizing character sets, identifying hashtag algorithms and attributes, as well as index choices and techniques.

Regular Expressions

In our final week, we will focus on regular expressions: their functions, and how to construct them to select rows from a table that match a pattern.


Charles Russell Severance

Additional information

Course Delivery


Course Efforts

16 Hours

Course Enrollment


Course Instructor

Course Language


Course Length

4 Weeks

Course Level


Course Provider

Course School

Course Subtitles


Flexible Learning


Verified Certificate



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